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HUGE props to Northside leisure products in Foam Lake SK

Sep 17, 2009
Foam Lake SK Canada
As alot of you know I am having ongoing issues with my 2010 CF 800 LE. Northside has now done absolutly everything possible to try and resolve the problems. (hard grinding under load, Low RPM, and track stab)

They have replaced the Diamond drive (enitialy only the bearing was replaced but the problems didn't stop), replaced the secondary Clutch.
cleaned the power valves. Replaced the spark plugs. Checked crank run out with the motor still in the sled, replaced the primary clutch due to bushing failure, Checked the driveshaft and brake side bearing, and of coarse put another skid and track under my sled.

I'm extremely impressed with their service. Any skepticism anyone may have had as a result of the ongoing troubles with my sled should be with drawn. They have definetly gone beyond the call of duty.

I took it for a test drive this evening. My rpm's are back to normal! the sled is fun to ride again. but there is still alot of grinding going on at lower speeds under heavy load. It's unbelievable. But at least now I can enjoy my ride, brag up my dealer, and ride out west without the fear of my diamond drive giving me grief.

The grinding and shake is still an unsolved mistery. It didn't start until 460 miles when the primary bushing and diamond drive bearing failed. (yes at the same time) on Jan 28th.



Active member
Nov 26, 2007
it's service like that which keeps customers coming back and new customers willing to go the extra mile to deal with them.
Nov 28, 2007
This grinding you hear is the inner drive lugs on the front lower shock mount in the rear skid. I have redrilled my limiter straps to get more transfer and moved my shock mount in the front of the rear skid up and ahead. Huge difference and no grind.

You will see the area I speak of. Check all M's for this and you will gain 5mph as well.

Sep 17, 2009
Foam Lake SK Canada
I'll check it out, but i didn't here or feel it grind like that in 460miles. not even once. it's a really noticable grind. It feels like the thing is going to fly apart. I'm thinking to steep of helix and to tall of gearing might have something to do with it. But then Again. it didn't do it for 460 miles.

It's running rich on oil obout 37:1.
It kind of sounds like it has a fouled plug in the midrange sometimes but it still pulls good when you clamp it.

*I was holding it pretty close to wide open yesterday for a little ways to try and catch up. It was running around 7900rpm and then just dive bombed to like 7200 and wouldn't pull back. Seemed like it got real rich or lean bog. How can you tell the difference. It was really warm out. heavy wet snow load.
Sep 17, 2009
Foam Lake SK Canada
I doubled my girlfriend for a bit today. Wet heavy snow. The Sled would hardly move, the grinding and shaking was unreal. Even when I pinned it, it would not go anywhere, hardly move, and shake and rattle. I decided to try the 36 helix instead of the 44/40. No difference. Still would just grind something fierce under load.
Nov 18, 2022
As alot of you know I am having ongoing issues with my 2010 CF 800 LE. Northside has now done absolutly everything possible to try and resolve the problems. (hard grinding under load, Low RPM, and track stab)

They have replaced the Diamond drive (enitialy only the bearing was replaced but the problems didn't stop), replaced the secondary Clutch.
cleaned the power valves. Replaced the spark plugs. Checked crank run out with the motor still in the sled, replaced the primary clutch due to bushing failure, Checked the driveshaft and brake side bearing, and of coarse put another skid and track under my sled.

I'm extremely impressed with their service. Any skepticism anyone may have had as a result of the ongoing troubles with my sled should be with drawn. They have definetly gone beyond the call of duty.

I took it for a test drive this evening. My rpm's are back to normal! the sled is fun to ride again. but there is still alot of grinding going on at lower speeds under heavy load. It's unbelievable. But at least now I can enjoy my ride, brag up my dealer, and ride out west without the fear of my diamond drive giving me grief.

The grinding and shake is still an unsolved mistery. It didn't start until 460 miles when the primary bushing and diamond drive bearing failed. (yes at the same time) on Jan 28th.


I'm sorry for you, really. I have not had and hopefully will not have such problems. I also buy my holiday products and I only had a problem once, but I solved it quickly. I often read about leisure activities, I use https://studymoose.com/free-essays/leisure-activities for that. It motivates me to take more time off from work. Mol I look at what are the products for leisure, read books about leisure and I myself want to take a vacation.
I hope your problem is solved and all is well!
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