I have contracted with the US Forest Service since the 80s blading and graveling forest roads. The last few years they had spent no money on gravel and most of the roads got so bad that blading was impossible and beat the crap out of the machine. Now all of a sudden they are graveling one of the roads I worked on over 20 years and have the big stimulus sign up and none of us locals never heard a thing about it. They must have 30 trucks running, 2 blades, water trucks an rollers, all from out of state and no doubt 8A minority contractors. They must be spending at lest over 100.000. I guess that's what Bsht Obama calls spreading the wealth around.
I finally got to talk to the district ranger and she was willing to talk. It is a 2,000,000 + dollar job. It is a Federal Highway commission project. Their method is to ask contractors for prices then an 8A minority contractor can take it for 10% higher. All she would say about the contractor is they are from the Denver area. My fuel jobber said he is selling them fuel at 4 cents a gallon and 4 trucks out of 30 plus are local. They are buying the gravel from a local pit but they go bankrupt every other year and pay their bills about that often so a pox on them any way. F the stimulus plan!!!!