It was quite a few years ago I saw a photo spread of the training ramp/TOWER and it was spooky!! Was on the computer killing time last night and remember that picture and started googling and found those two.
There are some other vids to. One of them in particular on training is very
insightful on jumping. He explained when coming off the tower he had to just roll off without any speed so he didn't go to far out, but had to be in third gear to get the rear wheel speed up so when he meets ramp about 40 to 50 ft down the rear wheel doesn't lock up.
The guy is one heck of a rider, one of the early jumps back down, he didn't have enough rear wheel speed when he hit the ramp and his head smashes down all the way to the bars, looks like rear suspension fully collapsed and he recovers it and rides out of it, amazing rider. He does the same thing sort of on the actual roof jump.
Good Luck