Well, I would say that compared to the other brands they might be concidered rock solid, but as a new Yamaha owner I found a couple of things that suprise me concider the salesmans talking.
1. The handwarmers is absolutely junk. Period.
Sure it is fixes out there-but, a manufacurer that "has it all" in electronics, engines, mc:s, sleds and so on cant make a detail that basic to work?? I mean, hello?
2. Never ever have I had a sled that force me to buy new shoes.
(wet left foot syndome)
3. Front end dont exactly feels confident-no issues so far in my case thow...
4. Fit and finish dont really impress me more than the other brands these days.
5. Rear suspention is not up to the former Cats Ive had before-or maybe I havent managed to dial it in properly just yet? (Nytro SE)
But-at the same time I havent had ANY sled before since my first that bring me the kinde of joy when im out there!!? The overall performance is outstanding in my eyes...