As clearly documented in the foregoing evidence, the exemption of OSV use from the
requirements imposed on other motorized use on NFS lands by the 2005 Travel Management;
Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use Rule (CFR Parts 212, 251 and 281) is in
direct contradiction to Executive Orders 11644 and 11989 which the Rule is intended to
implement. Furthermore, because of adverse impacts on water and air quality, wildlife, wildlife
habitat and winter ecosystems, and because of the noise and the potential to inflict serious injury on other forest users, OSVs are indistinguishable from other classes of ORVs in terms of impacts on natural resources and other recreational uses. Therefore, the USDA and USFS have a legal and ethical obligation to apply the same set of management standards to OSVs as to other classes of ORVs in order to protect and preserve America’s National Forest System resources, including
clean air and water, quiet, wildlife, soils, vegetation, and non-motorized recreationists, from the
substantial adverse impacts of OSV use. Given this evidence, the USDA must amend the 2005
Rule by removing 36 CFR Part 212.51(a)(3) and remedying the language making the
management of OSVs a discretionary decision of the local responsible official (36 CFR Part
212.81) as requested by the Petitioners.
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Petition to Remove OSV Exemption and Remedy Discretionary Management of OSVs – Draft 32