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How do I ride? I have the bike, installed the kit, but don't know how to ride.HELP!

Ok, guys and girls, thanks to all of your generous time, precious energy, and knowledge of all things dirtbike and snowbike kit related, I finally have this thing all assembled and ready to go.

I have to confess and I hope you can forgive me and can keep providing me with your help and thoughts-which I do value more than you will ever know. There is no doubt in my mind that you are all the/my pioneers in this glorious new sport and I'll always look up to you like every other team looks up at the New England Patriots. I don't know how to ride this thing. I'm just, among a few other things a start-up owner, who knows all about software and everything IT, screenwriter for those shows on TV/satellite/cable that people think are funny, and consultant, working on 3 month to 1 year projects (Since anything longer just takes too long and I end up making it too complicated and then no one can figure it out, like the IT Good Will Humping, I mean Hunting, not the pron movie. Matt Damon has been in so many good movies, there is Saving Ryan's Privates, The Pourne Supremacy . . . )-makes me more money that I could ever make washing dishes at the local chain restaurant that was the only other job I've ever had. Imagine, something that works too well but because no one else can figure it out, they don't want to use it for fear that no one else but me will be able to fix it?, so it has to be dumbed down and made not nearly as good and it suffices.

Being sort of a geek is very helpful (most of us are geeks in our own unique ways, at least that is what my mother would tell me)- as we will immerse ourselves totally and completely into something until we can understand and learn everything about it, and you have all been so utterly helpful to this end and I thank you and will keep thanking you all through this long-assed post. Starting last year, the thought of a dual sport bike and being out in the sunlight made me so excited, once I finished building the last Lego Death Star kit that I bought for $799.99, I figured, if I can complete the Death Star, I can build anything, so I looked at this website and got the Camso kit. I am awesome at following directions and there were 6,325 steps to complete the Death Star and only about, maybe 30-40 on the motorcycle and Camso kit combined so it was much simpler and like a big, giant Lego kit, but a kit that I got to use tools to take apart and put back together as opposed to my fingers for the Lego's, where I am the tool-ha, I'm the tool-get it?

Ok, more confession. I bought the Beta 500 RR-S because I thought it would be a good learner bike and when the time comes, I can get a 1,000 cc Adventure Tourer because the idea of looking like I can ride anywhere I want is so cool. And the Beta is Italian, and the Italians make spaghetti, and Chef Boy Ardee, and Pizza, and Ferrari and Lamborhini-while I already have a Ferrari and Lambo-that is what an owner can call the car but no one else can, and have a Urus on order, the Beta is supposed to be good like Ragu sauce. But having a smaller 500 might be a good idea so I can work my milk-shaded skin, arms and legs like chain link fence piping, into Chris Hemsworth-he is handsome, no? (but I do really like girls)-like body with muscles and bumps over my bones. I have been learning, riding it on dirt roads and have gotten better. 3rd gear does not scare me anymore when I give it gas and I have found that going over idle speed can be a lot of fun, let me tell you. All the jackets I can get, and have, I feel like I am a First Order trooper and when I am outside the coffee shop, I'm ready to fight for and with, Kylo Ren. Nobody ever gives me a hard time while I'm leaned up against my bike, with my jacket and pants on, and all the armor in the jacket already makes me look like a Batman, the Christian Bale-one as he was the baddest, Ben Affleck was not bad either, but when I stand with the dark sunshield down, all I'd need is my replica blaster rifle and George Lucas himself would not know I'm not the real thing-but back to snowbiking and not what I do in the summer-which is on Adventure Rider Forum.

Now with the Camso, it is going to be a whole new world. It's going to be slippery and wet, right? When the bike falls, which it does often when I'm on the road as I can barely touch a toe on the ground when I stop so I don't ride far from the truck as I keep the stand close by and if I am lucky and can coast in close enough, I can put a foot on the stand and then feel like I'm Cougar from Top Gun, and just too scared to make the landing without help from Maverick. When that happens, I just let the bike fall and save myself from injury. Injuries that would surely end my ability to use a computer and continue my livlihood. I'd have to go back to washing dishes for one of the restaurant group's restaurants that thankfully, I left on good good terms with in case I ever need something to fall back on.

Oh yeah, when the bike falls over, how do you get it back up? I saw a snow jack kit that was 2 piece and almost $500. Is it good to have this? Could I carry something like a pole vaulters pole and use it like a big lever to get the bike back up?, or would this require too much fabrication that the bike is not made for? One solution comes to mind right away is that I could make a trailer and carry the pole like the utility companies do for transporting replacement telephone poles. They might be onto something, those crafty telecommunication companies, I tell ya, they know what they are doing. I'm looking at snowbike trailersl but can't find any. Does anyone have a link, preferably from Amazon Prime as I'd like to get it by Sunday.

More good questions for now. Will the bike work in the snow if I only feel safe at idle in 3rd gear. I've been really good at getting up to 3rd gear the past few months. Shifting and pulling up on that lever with my left foot has now almost become second nature, maybe third nature as it is not as easy as right clicking a mouse. Should I have gotten a turbo or nitrous kit to help in 3rd gear? What, exactly, happens in the 4th and 5th gears? Do any of you use those gears?

I have all this gear. I have read everything on snowbikes that has been posted online and have been ordering stuff and having it delivered. It's been great but I get really hot when I walk around the house with all of it on and play PS4 in it to break it in. Will the gear be this hot when I ride? If so, how will I cool off? Should I take all off, like I did when I was younger and then make snow angels?, then get back into my mono-suit and get back to riding. Sort of like what they also do in the Scandinavian countries where they sit in the hot water but it is cold outside. Has anyone done this?

I like to have hot cocoa in the winter when I'm done sledding. You know, the kind with the marshmallows that float on the top and melt in your mouth when you finally get one in your mouth? Is there a device where I can make this using the bike? My initial thought is to brace the bike against a tree, rock or stump, then spin the track until it reaches the bare ground, and like a monster 4x4 truck where the (radical) guys, strap them together and then the tires burn out while trying to pull against one another, like truck arm-wrestling, eventually the track spinning on the pine needles under the snow will burn and start a fire, right? and then I can put my kettle that I have packed on my tunnel and Swiss Miss Instant Hot Cocoa Mix with marshmallow stars on the flame and heat it up. Ingenious, no?

Lastly, for now. Where do you keep your medications? If my airbox is snow-tight, would the pills keep well without being ingested by the intake or, will the Outerwears keep any drug-dust out of the intake so my engine does not overdose?

I have lots more questions and will add more to this thread but I'll start with these questions for now. Thanks for all of your responses.
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Oct 12, 2017
Benn, There's several good posts here on cookers - you may be able to use them for info on the hot coco. It's good to see someone who does not take themselves too seriously:face-icon-small-coo

I've only ridden a snow bike once so far and my kit is now nearing completion. I have no reservations on how to ride in the snow, even from just that one intro rental day last year at Revelstoke with my son. I'm just going to wait a couple of more weeks to make sure I have plenty of snow depth to fall in.

You've made the right choice here but don't forget to hold it WFO at times and wait for the Phd (piled high and deep).
You've got a good sense of humor Misha Subo. Thank goodness. Why stuff written online stresses other people out is beyond me. I know, I know, words have meaning. Perhaps we need to have a sticky with "Unacceptable Snowbike Trigger Topics(USTT)" using some of my posts and threads as examples, to help those for which no safe space yet exists on this forum and that feel compelled to both read, and respond, to things that make them feel uncomfortable. Getting out of ones comfort zone is like me stepping into public. For most of my life, I've only existed in computer labs and libraries and the first floor-thankfully not the basement, most of my life. Sunlight still sort of hurts, like it did to those humanoid creatures in "I Am Legend", but it is getting better and this new sport is going to help me as will all of you who have been helping me, a true heartfelt - thanks.

The Beta and Camso have and will give me the freedom to spread my full sized cape that I wear under my heavy sweaters for one never knows when a superhero will be needed, online or in the real-world. I've been thinking of ways to incorporate and reinforce my cape so that I can wear it while riding and it won't get tangled in the 2.5"x 12.5" x 129" Camso track, that would be horrific but nothing a Superhero would not be able to withstand. Imagine me riding, with the pole vaulter pole on a trailer behind my snowbike, with my yellow X-men cape-like Professor X, and then getting yanked backwards off the bike because the cape got tangled in the track. That would be like an Epic Fail, right?

I find great comfort in the rainbow fruit roll-up's. I get them at BJ's if anyone is interested.
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This is so good, idk if your being real or fake. Lmfao. If you are being serious i would not go alone, you will die! Seriously.

Probably the best post on here! So funny

Oh me, oh my. I'm glad it has been good, but now you have me really worried that I " . . . will die!" I do not want to die. Just like they have avalanche airbags, do they make one the size of a ramp that comes out of the airplane, you know, the one that if the plane lands in the water, like that awesome old man, Sully-what a hero!, did in the movie, that ends up as a raft, do they make one like that where if things go wrong it would go off and protect me? Sort of like an airbag for life? If there is nothing out there, I hope that there is a company that is making one, but not Takata-they are not safe, that Takata.

As I have no beneficiary(ies), but do have a like $10,000,000 life insurance policy that one of the massive online providers has taken out on me for if I go, they would not be able to access the things that come from my mind and that end up making them lots of money so, if any of you that have helped me, and I know who you are like Santa knows who the bad kids are, (Some of you have been mean, like bullies and bullying is bad) I will make you one of my beneficiaries, just in case I pass away from riding in 4th gear.

I can just imagine all of you that live in these great states of isolation, that are never in the news because no one really cares about all those states, where there are awesome places to ride and would be the perfect places for Superman to have a second vacation Fortress of Solitude, and that is why so many don't like new ideas or questions. I can understand the fear and anxiety from having to read and getting upset from what someone has asked about or posted. Like when I have to correct 973,493,331 lines of code because a computer program can't be made to interpret the code itself, it would be like having the cure to cancer and not using it. I'm working on software that might help them someday, a filter for useless posts, patent pending.

Last, for now, when you all ride, do you have the Beach Boys "Little Honda" song stuck in your heads? I do, the "First gear, its alright, second gear, I'll lean right . . . " I do, because like I said, I have not been out of third gear, just like the song. The Beach Boys never got out of third gear either so now I feel ok. Why even have more gears, doesn't that slow the bike down? Anyways, I have that song stuck in my head every time I'm riding because it prompts me to shift, what a great song.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 22, 2008
Olympia, Washington
Funny to see you poking fun at yourself....

Now get out there and take some pics of that freshly built up scoot in the snow and share em with us...we wanna see them (especially those of us that are still waiting for snow to build up)!!
Oct 12, 2017
I can't help with riding secrets as I have only the demo day last winter clocked in thus far. Soon I hope to be a wealth of riding information as I absorb the tricks of the trade, by osmosis and reading here (in your post), in the weeks and months to come.

My immediate concern is how to best angle and route the flexible hoses I am currently installing from my handle bars to the bi-pass hose for handle bar heat. Once this great challenge is surpassed I'll be onto the fast track solutions to issues you have been posting for the past few weeks.
I can't help with riding secrets as I have only the demo day last winter clocked in thus far. Soon I hope to be a wealth of riding information as I absorb the tricks of the trade, by osmosis and reading here (in your post), in the weeks and months to come.

My immediate concern is how to best angle and route the flexible hoses I am currently installing from my handle bars to the bi-pass hose for handle bar heat. Once this great challenge is surpassed I'll be onto the fast track solutions to issues you have been posting for the past few weeks.

You, Mr. Subo, will be in line as a beneficiary. The problem is that I'm going to bundle myself up in every piece of safety gear so that I there will be almost no chance that I will leave this earth before I get to ride some fresh powder.

If we put our brilliant minds together, we will have solutions. Like that guy, John Lennon once wrote, "There are no problems, only solutions", imagine?
A(nother) Snowest member PM'd me, his forum name is Musclebound Mel from Montana, and he suggested that I start with a few cycles of anabolic steroids and that this would help a LOT with getting the bike up off the snow once the inevitable happens of me wiping out or, letting the bike fall after sitting outside the restaurant on a warmer winter day.

Are any of you taking these steroids? Anabol, dianabol? Then he mentioned all these other "supplements" to offset my breasts enlaring and hair falling out and all sorts of things that go along with having strength like Wolverine, but wouldn't that be nice? Mel had mentioned that he would send me the first few doses for free. Are the first ones always complimentary?
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Nov 28, 2007
Yukon Canada
Now slow down there Padawans.

All the Coolant heted handlebars and other gismos can only get you so far.

Remember your bike is only a extension of yourself -- it's the force that makes the magic happen.

On that not; May the Force be with you


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2009
SW Montana
There is a learning curve for everyone. Wait for some snow. It won’t hurt as bad as falling on bare frozen ground. After you ride for 100 yards you will be a pro. When you stop don't put a foot down or you will fall. Put good hand guards on to protect yourself. What did I say about hand guards? Hot pipes burn expensive pants and coats, cover them up. Look where you want to go. Wear a chest protector, beacon and an avalanche bag. When you fall over just pick it up. It is easier with a buddy. When you get stuck don't trench it to china. Stomp down the snow and throw the back end onto the stomped area. Pull the Ski around so the bike is across the hill, stand it up and take off. Keep your speed up you will have to zig-zag up some hills. When they get too steep do a figure 8. Always turn the figure 8 downhill. You can loop up some real steep stuff. When you fall down hill, grab the ski and spin the bike around then stand it up across the hill. When you go downhill do it like a skier. Pointing it down hill will be the funniest ride since your last toboggan ride. Go have fun. You will be hooked.


Lifetime Membership
Nov 13, 2010
Hory sheet... this is the funniest post in a long time. Your writing skillz are spot on and had me going WTF? :face-icon-small-con as my jaw was dropped to the counter and I'm on the verge of laughing to heart failure.

I started a company and hired a few coders 10 years ago, man you described my Team perfectly, LOL. Good times and memories.
Hory sheet... this is the funniest post in a long time. Your writing skillz are spot on and had me going WTF? :face-icon-small-con as my jaw was dropped to the counter and I'm on the verge of laughing to heart failure.

I started a company and hired a few coders 10 years ago, man you described my Team perfectly, LOL. Good times and memories.

I'm with ya Snowman269, all the way. We're in this together and will will live long and prosper. Now hold your pinky finger and its neighbor together, and the middle finger and the (mostly) innocent pointer finger together, then wave at me. I can seeeeeee you!

Humor is medicine and I'm the prescribing physician. No cowbell as that is not FDA approved, but rather, words, connected just so, so you can understand my plight, my experience(s), and my chi. Steak and chi. Grilled chi. Large chi pizza . . . It is so nice, and comforting, to have you along with this ride in my mind. Making you and everyone laugh will be part of my mission statement as to why I am on this forum, ok? PM me your fax number so I can have you complete the consent and release of liability form. I definitely don't need your attorneys coming at me with their demands - in case you are injured from your jaw dropping to the counter, that will NOT be my problem, ok? - knowing full well they cannot be enforced. Lawyers, the ultimate PAID bully. I keep mentioning bullies because I feel bad for them as they learned what they lived. Just like I had mentioned and what had happened in Good Will Humping, "It is not your fault. It is not your fault." Do you know how you can tell it is a really cold day? When lawyers have their hands in their own pockets. That is when it is really cold.

Together we will keep this thead going forever. I will write you, like I'm doing now. I say crazy things, you say crazy things, we get crazy together, we laugh, then one thing leads to another and then they ban our usernames, close our accounts, find out our IP address' and send the men in the white suits and big butterfly nets to get us.

You hired coders? Like Morse Coders? The dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash -thing? Coding, like medical coding and billing, from those mail order college degree programs? Or did you mean cuddling? Like team cuddling. Now you might be talking my special language where we have code words for when things start getting a little too out of hand and things need to stop. Like when someone starts power-cuddling, also known as dry-well, I'm starting to get a little carried away and with what happened to Matt Lauer, well, I don't want anyone finding out that I also have a door I can lock without getting up to lock it. It is my car doors. I press a button, and the door locks. I don't know why anyone though that that was that big of a deal. Some people are so sensitive.
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Now slow down there Padawans.

All the Coolant heted handlebars and other gismos can only get you so far.

Remember your bike is only a extension of yourself -- it's the force that makes the magic happen.

On that not; May the Force be with you

Ah, is that you, Master Yoda?

If so, it is me, your young snowbike padawan, ready to be trained in the ways of the snowbike. Tell me, when will we get some powder?

I want to become one with the snowbike. I do not want to wait. I feel I am ready to take on the force. Little does anyone know, but I was in the Army. The Salvation Army-buying some used jackets to use when I ride the snowbike-good deals there you will find.
I have to apologize to all of you who have filled my Inbox with riding requests. Sorry, all of your offers to fly me out to where you are to teach me how to ride are so very nice, and gracious, I can't hardly imagine and all expenses, complete with the use of a snowbike that you'll already have setup are so great but, and here come the butt, I have too many things I need to work on all the time that keep me tethered to the liquid cooled supercomputer, like the one that the girl had at the end of The Accountant-where Ben Affleck was the accountant by day, and super assassin-see how many assesss were in assassin?, that I can't leave but for day trips to snowbike.

If I can ever clear my workload-which I do happen to enjoy, I will PM you all back and we'll have a great time riding.

My only concern for you is, when I'd be riding, I'd be asking you questions all the time and you might not be able to put up with it after a while so be very careful what you wish for. And why some of you are sending me pictures of your man-parts, but I did send you a reply with mine next to a ruler like you have just because you told me that it is the right thing to do. Is there really such a thing as an online "If I show you mine, you have to show me yours?" Anybody?
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Nov 28, 2007
Yukon Canada
If so, it is me, your young snowbike padawan, ready to be trained in the ways of the snowbike. Tell me, when will we get some powder?

I want to become one with the snowbike. I do not want to wait. I feel I am ready to take on the force. Little does anyone know, but I was in the Army. The Salvation Army-buying some used jackets to use when I ride the snowbike-good deals there you will find.[/QUOTE]

Be aware Padawan the dark-side will call you with turbochargers - big bore kits - Handlebar heaters and other stuff that makes your Snowbike into the equivalent of a snow death star. And apparently they have Cookies:face-icon-small-blu
The Way of the force takes commitment and patients, but hey we are talking about the force.
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If so, it is me, your young snowbike padawan, ready to be trained in the ways of the snowbike. Tell me, when will we get some powder?

I want to become one with the snowbike. I do not want to wait. I feel I am ready to take on the force. Little does anyone know, but I was in the Army. The Salvation Army-buying some used jackets to use when I ride the snowbike-good deals there you will find.

Be aware Padawan the dark-side will call you with turbochargers - big bore kits - Handlebar heaters and other stuff that makes your Snowbike into the equivalent of a snow death star. And apparently they have Cookies:face-icon-small-blu
The Way of the force takes commitment and patients, but hey we are talking about the force.[/QUOTE]

Oh Master Yoda. I have searched far and wide in this World Wide Web to find you, and to be trained on the snowbike. I have spent many of my years, riding through the dirt forests, in endless circles. Fueling up, mixing fuel, inhaling fumes, swapping rear tires, preparing for this season, known as winter, and. The. Snowbike.

Turbo's, Big Bore Kit's. Cam swaps, mapping changes, you have me under your spell Master Yoda. Teach me, I can defeat the Slow Side. I MUST, have the power.

I completed the installation of my G2 Primus Handguards. My digits will now be protected. Protected from the wind, and cold.






























Mastery . . .
I'm going to have to ask one more time because some are not getting the message through all the PM's I have replied to regarding offers to have me come so you can teach me how to ride. Because of this, I have cancelled the ability for me to receive PM's. I can only say no so many times and have to come on here to turn down ALL of the requests to teach me to ride.

I am going to refund all the money you have all sent me as I don't think it is right at all that you want to pay me to ride with you. Friendship is free so I don't know why you have sent me money when I didn't ask. I wondered why you wanted my PayPal address and I really shouldn't have given it to you but you insisted. All of it is going back and I have also cancelled my PayPal. Ok? Online friendship is good enough for me.

I just want to ride, that is all. Like Grand Funk Railroad sang, "Ride Captain Ride, on your Mystery Ship . . . "
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