and maby even more specificly the front end, last week i got my 12 assault out into some deep fun stuff for the first time and shes a bit more of a beast than i thought she would be in the deep.
not bad, she did realy well but the width of that front end drove me crazy trying to boon dock, even uphill i did not have the float and roll i realy wanted, hoped on a well setup 09 800 RMK and loved the feel.
another thing that drove me crazy was trying downhill to uphill turns, it would hit a tipping point and downright lay over on its side completely (somewhat heavy snow by the way) i would push it back over and my ski was still so buryed i would get stuck, did this more than once that day.
yes im on the comp track but still.
i came off of the edge chassie so i probbably still have some bad habbits and such, but i feel like there is alot to gain here.
what are you guys doing to make this the boondocking powerhouse she should be?
im considering RMK arms and spacers in my shock to shorten them if need be, i love my clickers. but i feel like i might not have to go that far.
not bad, she did realy well but the width of that front end drove me crazy trying to boon dock, even uphill i did not have the float and roll i realy wanted, hoped on a well setup 09 800 RMK and loved the feel.
another thing that drove me crazy was trying downhill to uphill turns, it would hit a tipping point and downright lay over on its side completely (somewhat heavy snow by the way) i would push it back over and my ski was still so buryed i would get stuck, did this more than once that day.
yes im on the comp track but still.
i came off of the edge chassie so i probbably still have some bad habbits and such, but i feel like there is alot to gain here.
what are you guys doing to make this the boondocking powerhouse she should be?
im considering RMK arms and spacers in my shock to shorten them if need be, i love my clickers. but i feel like i might not have to go that far.