This rino is only telling partial truths besides standing up for killing.
She has to talk about what those that own her ass want her to say and fails miserably.
Her begging the biden administration is classic, they own her ass.
The infrastructure of this state is on the verge of collapsing and there's no amount of money that will save it unless things change.
She's begging because those that have power in this state are leaning on her because Thier businesses are on the verge of collapsing.
She looks like dog **** and it's probably because her conscious is killing her.
The people that once respected her can't even look at her.
All she has left is the hand outs and those numbers are still in the thousands for such a small population.
Enjoy watching a rino that got this position threw nepotism, beg trying to stop the destruction of this state that she allowed.
May she rot in hell
Just a little reminder, we are 50 some miles away from Russia, we have many many cultures in this state and this rino either is an idiot or she's putting a wedge between the people of this state.