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How about our great President!!!

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Feb 27, 2008

This is a repost from the gentleman in the pictures above - not me......

Well, I have been doing a bit of a social experiment over the last few weeks. Against Tina’s protests, conducting regular business in public, not making any comments, just smiling, Shopping, restaurants, groceries etc. Switching between the two hats. 

I had predetermined to NOT RESPOND, NOT DEFEND, boy was that hard to do.

here are my results.

Biden hat-

Biden supporters response:
Great hat, go Biden, love It, hell ya, “f#*k Trump, f#*k America, let’s watch it burn”

Trump supporters:
Smile, Howdy.

Trump hat-
Biden supporters:
Nazi racist bi#*h, f#*k Trump, f#*k America, f#*k you,
, black Lives Matter fu#*er, (to my daughter) go kill yourself bi#*h.
(To my wife) Nazi Racist bit#h, f#*k you.

Trump supporters-
Like your hat, four more years, smile,

Well, I wasn’t shocked at the responses. A bit at the vulgarity, but not the content.
What was shocking was the unspoken, the attitude and hateful rage and actions from the left.
I was followed through a store, cart was hit repeatedly, my wife and daughter were verbally assaulted, rock was thrown and dented my car.
I watched 2 little girls with Trump hats in a car in front of us get spit on. Flipped off in HY-VEE. Stared at. Laughed at. Older lady in store standing next to me, very nice and helpful until she looked up, saw my Trump hat, quickly grabbed her cart and moved 10 feet away. (Her response probably hurt the most)

Trump supporters were kind and friendly with either hat, no difference.
Biden supporters were supportive and kind with Biden hat.
Biden supporters with Trump hat were vulgar, malicious, angry, combative, violent and hateful.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
View attachment 358420

This is a repost from the gentleman in the pictures above - not me......

Well, I have been doing a bit of a social experiment over the last few weeks. Against Tina’s protests, conducting regular business in public, not making any comments, just smiling, Shopping, restaurants, groceries etc. Switching between the two hats. 

I had predetermined to NOT RESPOND, NOT DEFEND, boy was that hard to do.

here are my results.

Biden hat-

Biden supporters response:
Great hat, go Biden, love It, hell ya, “f#*k Trump, f#*k America, let’s watch it burn”

Trump supporters:
Smile, Howdy.

Trump hat-
Biden supporters:
Nazi racist bi#*h, f#*k Trump, f#*k America, f#*k you,
, black Lives Matter fu#*er, (to my daughter) go kill yourself bi#*h.
(To my wife) Nazi Racist bit#h, f#*k you.

Trump supporters-
Like your hat, four more years, smile,

Well, I wasn’t shocked at the responses. A bit at the vulgarity, but not the content.
What was shocking was the unspoken, the attitude and hateful rage and actions from the left.
I was followed through a store, cart was hit repeatedly, my wife and daughter were verbally assaulted, rock was thrown and dented my car.
I watched 2 little girls with Trump hats in a car in front of us get spit on. Flipped off in HY-VEE. Stared at. Laughed at. Older lady in store standing next to me, very nice and helpful until she looked up, saw my Trump hat, quickly grabbed her cart and moved 10 feet away. (Her response probably hurt the most)

Trump supporters were kind and friendly with either hat, no difference.
Biden supporters were supportive and kind with Biden hat.
Biden supporters with Trump hat were vulgar, malicious, angry, combative, violent and hateful.

This is exactly what l meant...hateful.
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