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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
You talk directly to the media? Where can I read your articles? I would love your unfiltered opinion on the middle east conflict, european politics, and trade disputes in sub Saharan Africa. **** even what 850 motor is best would be interesting. Send some links buddy!

Or else YOU could just go away!!! Pretty sure you would not be missed.


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Apr 22, 2010
Nobody? I'm pretty sure a whole lot of women want to see a woman as president. They are pretty sick of men and their ego. Are you saying their opinion doesn't count? It sounds like you are speaking for yourself. Glad that you don't see race or gender, how does that privilege taste on your side of the table? White bread tastes pretty bland to me but that is my opinion.

Identity politics seems like a new term for you. Did Tucker Carlson feed you that one recently?

Once again WOW !!!!!!!!!!!! You are unbelievable , just keep twisting it . Your right , there are plenty of woman that would like to see the right WOMAN in office and there are plenty of men that feel the same way . Who fricken cares what gender is in office ?

Sure as hell not some nut job that your promoting . That use to be a judge , there lies the cancer in the justice system .

Every time she got caught in a lie or refused to answer a question she would smile . That's evil incarnate . She absolutely disgusts woman that have worked hard at climbing the corporate ladder by hard work and truth .

Someone needs to ask her what she thinks about recreational vehicles ? That would rank right up there with wind turbines and solar panels .
May 2, 2013
President Harris has a nice ring to it. Decriminalization of a plant has me seeing dollar signs. I'll have hemp factories in every state. I'll start with Montana, North Dakota, and Alaska. I'll fund planned parenthood clinics with the profits. I'll even hire some poor white meth heads, help them sober up and move out of their trailer park. With socialized health care they can get their teeth back.

Or we can just blame China for all our problems like a bunch of babies with red hats on.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
I'll even hire some poor white meth heads, help them sober up and move out of their trailer park. With socialized health care they can get their teeth back.

Or we can just blame China for all our problems like a bunch of babies with red hats on.

I bet you don't think that's a racist statement..... typical leftist mentality. It's ok if you say it. Especially about whites...

no matter the color of the skin, racist remarks are indeed racist.

Sent it
May 2, 2013
I don't see race or sex like the MSM instructs you guys, lol. Every meth head here is a skinny white boy. Also I see those overweight white woman keeping their families afloat with ground beef, soda and doritos purchased with food stamps at Kroger. Even the Mexicans stay away from that garbage. The crappy food and the meth.

Anyway carry on with "it isn't fair" the crybaby red hat theme of 2020. Another 30 days of this circus. Having fun yet?
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