Hello I have an 04 Summit X 800 and am thinking of doin an extended chaincase mod buy using 2 cases and only haveing one weld rather than 2 like you would with the extended piece in the center to accomplish this and can`t seem to find much info in the search option.
I was wanting to know what is the most popular extended measurement you all are doin I seen a couple threads on Dootalk that are going 1 1/2 inch extension is this what you who have this mod are lengthening them to??
To fit a 3inch track do you also have to roll the extended chaincase back? and how much is that measurement or amount? will it clear without rolling it back?
If you just extend the chaincase lets say 1 1/2 inchs can you fit a 3 inch track or 2.5 with the stock 10tooth drivers or which one do you have to
install, or does the pitch of the drivers have to change
lastly if you happen to extend the chaincase lets say 1 1/2 inchs where would you buy an extended chain???
Sorry about all the questions but I think many others would like to know these measurement and specs , and info and would help alot of us all know I would like to sum up all we can with this thread, Please don`t hesistate to reply and give your experienced information and advice.
Please please post pics , that would be awesome help also
Thanks, Wildcard
I was wanting to know what is the most popular extended measurement you all are doin I seen a couple threads on Dootalk that are going 1 1/2 inch extension is this what you who have this mod are lengthening them to??
To fit a 3inch track do you also have to roll the extended chaincase back? and how much is that measurement or amount? will it clear without rolling it back?
If you just extend the chaincase lets say 1 1/2 inchs can you fit a 3 inch track or 2.5 with the stock 10tooth drivers or which one do you have to
install, or does the pitch of the drivers have to change
lastly if you happen to extend the chaincase lets say 1 1/2 inchs where would you buy an extended chain???
Sorry about all the questions but I think many others would like to know these measurement and specs , and info and would help alot of us all know I would like to sum up all we can with this thread, Please don`t hesistate to reply and give your experienced information and advice.
Please please post pics , that would be awesome help also
Thanks, Wildcard
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