Actually, I'm the guy who paid Holz a visit today with our broken front "H" arms. Out of 12 holz skids we have installed on our riding group's lightenned RX-1's, we have discovered cracks in the top members in six of them. The skids are between 3 and 5 years old, and have a lot of rough mountain riding miles on them. I have a feeling that the tubes have been cracked for some time. When whe noticed one we checked the others. Oddly, the guys who like to jump and cornice drop didn't break. Mark at Holz has been supportive in troubleshooting the possible cause of the failures. Our sleds are pretty porky up front, and the additional preload we like to crank into the front shock may be causing the springs to "coil lock", throwing a big load into the upper mount. Mark has offered to repair some of the failed parts and he offered some replacement parts at a greatly discounted price. Over the years, I've been impressed with the quality of the Holz products, and very satisfied with their level of service. My RX-1's 5 year old Holz skid has over 9k mountain miles on it without a failure, and no more maintennance than annual greasing and periodic shock rebuilds. Their skid has allowed us to turn unruly 4-stroke tanks into respectable mountain sleds. I just wish they were still building products for our rides.