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Help with 97 488, Fuel pump?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 18, 2013
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
I'm looking at buying a 97 polaris 488. It is a friend of mine, and it hasn't ran in 4 years, so he let me bring it home to make sure I could get it going. Here is a list of what I have done:

Pulled and cleaned both carbs thoroughly
Pre filled float bowls
Filled almost to the top of the tank with gas
Pulled barb on take and drawstraw to check for cracks or plugs
Blown through all fuel lines
Blown through filler neck to get fuel primed to fuel pump
Pulled covers on fuel pump and checked diaphragms
Checked pulsation on vac line (Put a gauge on it which did not seal tightly, pulling it over I got ~-5 to ~+5 psi)
Blown through fuel pump while plugging each exit individually and it seemed clear
Blown through vac and didn't detect any leaks

Last night after pre filling and re-assembling the carbs, It started 2nd pull and ran just fine for a while until the bowls went dry, then died and wouldn't start. I have tried everything I can think of to get it primed and it still runs until whatever you put in the carbs is gone.

Is this a bad fuel pump? I was under the assumption that as long as the diaphragms don't leak, the pump is good but is there something else that could go wrong? Open for suggestions here!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
"Pulled barb on take and drawstraw to check for cracks or plugs"

I have no idea what this means.

Assuming you have the lines connected properly then it must be a bad fuel pump. Fuel pump rebuild kits are fairly cheap so I would probably do that if I were you. It doesn't take much of a pinhole in a diaphragm to cause trouble. Does fuel flow out of the tank when you pull the line off the inlet to the fuel pump?
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w browning

Mar 21, 2009
What retiredpop is referring to by asking if fuel flows to the fuel pump is the pick up line in the tank. Us old timers have seen many that are rotted off. Look in the tank with a flash light and you'll be able to see it, I've seen them in pieces requiring tank removal and flush. Good Luck.
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