Hey Guys,
Tracks USA is releasing the new 156"x3" extreme this fall and I am looking to pick it up for my 2012 turbo pro. I already know the 16" wont fit but they are able to cut it down to 15". What I really need help with is getting info on the whole drop and roll of the chaincase ordeal. I have only been able to find a product by Avid and it's a new chaincase that is longer for 900$. I know Doo makes a drop and roll kit for much cheaper. Does Polaris have this option as well or am I stuck forking out for the new chaincase? Also any advice on drivers??? Should I go with an anti-stab kit or not? Thanks guys much appreciated
Tracks USA is releasing the new 156"x3" extreme this fall and I am looking to pick it up for my 2012 turbo pro. I already know the 16" wont fit but they are able to cut it down to 15". What I really need help with is getting info on the whole drop and roll of the chaincase ordeal. I have only been able to find a product by Avid and it's a new chaincase that is longer for 900$. I know Doo makes a drop and roll kit for much cheaper. Does Polaris have this option as well or am I stuck forking out for the new chaincase? Also any advice on drivers??? Should I go with an anti-stab kit or not? Thanks guys much appreciated