OK, I'm gonna stir the pot a little. First off, a little background. I am a big game, small game hunter and I'm about the furthest thing from a tree-hugger you can find (I just quit my job with an oil & gas company to go to work for a coal mine). Sooo, it seems to me that ranchers and sportsman lobbyists are using scare-tactics and embellished facts to sell their desire and disdain for wolves. We know this stuff goes on, we see it in the anti-snowmobiling lobbyists when they preach about how our sleds are destroying the forests and harassing the wildlife. Its all scare tactics. Wolves are part of the ecosystem. I realize they are known to kill livestock and big game just for the thrill of it, but thats part of the hazard of living in the west. I also agree that the wolf packs need to be regulated, just like all the other wildlife groups are so as to maintain a balance. I enjoy pheasant hunting, but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna lobby against raccoons, skunks and hawks because they all target and kill the pheasants that I want to shoot. Its just the way the ecosystem works. Ya, we reintroduced the wolves to Yellowstone and allowed them to spread throughout the northern rockies, but we were also responsible for their annihilation in the same area to begin with.
OK, bring the flame.....