having trouble getting the reverse shift actuator off so i can my DD (07' w/ mechanical reverse). There is the splined shaft that goes into the DD case, and a shift lever that goes onto the shaft, and then it looks like there is another gear coming out of the actuator motor that turns the shift lever. i got the snap ring off the splined shaft and the three torx screws (pita) out that hold the actuator motor to the frame. but the shift lever is seized on the splined shaft even after soaking in pb blaster and won't slide up and off. i'm afraid it i tap on it from the bottom side it might break something in the case. can you leave that shift lever on there and pull just the actuator? and do you need to mark where the splines and gears line up to get it back together right?
wow mechanical reverse makes pulling the DD twice as hard...
wow mechanical reverse makes pulling the DD twice as hard...