Don't know if you guys remember me or not, but I use to have a 900RMK and hung out in here for a couple years. Need your help! A buddy we were riding with today has a '08-700RMK that we had to tow out. His engine starts and runs fine, but the primary does not turn and just sits there and wobbles. At first, we though he broke his crank so we towed him out and got him home. Well, after further inspection it looks like something on the back side of his primary went bad. We don't have a clutch puller until tomorrow, but after we pulled the primary bolt, looking down in there with a flashlight, the primary clutch has about 1/4" side-to-side play, but the play stops right at the start of the bolt threads. It's almost like there is a steel sleeve or something that is pressed into the aluminum primary that went south. The bolt was tight when we pulled it and when you spin the primary, while looking down in there with a light, the end of the hole or the crank snub stays stationary! This tells me something went bad on the primary, not the crank. My question there a steel sleeve pressed into the primary that could have gone bad? Really don't think it's the crank anymore, but not familiar with the backside of the primary enough to know. Thanks!