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Heat Sinc ?


Well-known member
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2008
Central WA State
I Have seen it mention on here. Is heat sinc a good thing to do on a 850 ?
If so , What is the correct way to do it?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 5, 2007
Kennewick WA
20191027_172851.jpgThese are hanging on the gas cap when you pick them up. Says right at the bottom DO NOT IDLE FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME DURING BREAK IN. I personally have never idled anything during break in except to warm it up just before riding it. Run it up the trail on and off the throttle for 5 or so miles then shut down and check for leaks etc. Let cool for 10 minutes the warm up and repeat after the next 5 miles. After about 15 miles and no issues ride it like normal except no wide open for extended periods. The second ride out and about 50 miles ride it normal. That is what I have always done and 0 issues, my sleds have always ran hard.
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