Snooze you lose
For a twist on the event today, buddy and I got up early, arrived at site at 6:00 coming in from the east. Got parked at 7:10, after locking the old school Ford hubs, ya it was muddy but come on!!! No big deal!! Point is, get out of bed sleepy heads, tens of thousands come to this event, it's a new site, we were warned about growing pains. Great site, seemed like more vendors than usual, little wet, muddy, windy but overall great. Left at 2:00 pm, drove right out.
That said, the event does need to be taken to the next level. How about State Fair Park, bands, real beer tents, camping, asphalt drags, movie premiers! Event has outgrown the volunteers, needs a proffesional promoter! As far as the end of Hay Days, get real!!! They are saying 50,000 people showed up today. No $ to be made there!!! Hay Days and Snowmobiling is alive and well, at 20 bucks a head you do the math.