I am a Hawk fan but anyone else find the game boring about 1/2 way through the 3rd quarter? Glad the Bronco coaching staff did not start the crap of using time outs in a hopeless game.. . Hawks were on the Broncos forgot to show up... Had to laugh at the Bronco's first play of the game
Just watched the hawks locker room talk after the win. When they start chanting "we all we got, we all we need" makes you understand how tight those guys are.
The Hawks were definitely the better team on Sunday. Congratulations!! My theory is that the Broncos were abducted by aliens and a team of body doubles were out on the field on Sunday. They just couldn't look that helpless normally.
Denver took advantage of the new recreational use law...naa they still would have played better they just sucked.
It was a spankin..maybe they should revisit contracts next year.