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Hawkfest 2010 shirts....


snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Ok I am putting in the order for Hawkfest shirts. Those of you that are going please pm me and tell me what shirt size you want and how many.
Also I am thinking just plain white shirts with the Hawkfest logo on the front and the Team Snow Hawk logo on the back.
I think it's going to run me around $10 to get them made.

SO Please give me feedback guys...

If you want just regular TEAM SNOW HAWK Shirts please look on the website under store at the top. www.snowhawkadventure.com

oH yEAH hAppy nEW yEARs.... (I StaRteD EaRLLY) :cool:
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snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Team Snow Hawk stuff


These items are all set at $1 default profit which if any money is made would go towards all the stuff it takes to put on Hawkfest. Trust me it costs a ton of money to do all of this stuff and time.

Anyhow if you want some other Team Snow Hawk stuff here is a great place to get stuff and if you want me to add some other items let me know I can add any kind of shirt or image on the shirt you want.

Thanks guys.


snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
Need to get updates from everyone

Guys a tremendous amount of work goes into Hawkfest not to mention costs.
I really need to know how many of you want shirts. I have to know by Friday at this point if you do not tell me you want a shirt I probably won't have one for you. Not trying to be negative about it but I just can't see making up extra shirts that we will be stuck with afterwords.

So guys if you want a shirt you really need to PM me before Friday I will be putting in the order and won't be adding on any more after that.

Simply put I am not asking a lot from you guys to help out for the festival just simply tell me if you are going to want a shirt, how many and what size.

$10 each, black short sleeve shirt, small Team Snow Hawk logo on front Large one on the back
thanks guys.>>Tammy

snow hawk gal

Nov 29, 2007
ok guys its' Friday and my guy is giving me till Sunday night otherwise he is going to really ream me on the price.

Right now he is charging me what I am charging you... Except for the extra big boy shirts like my guys wears but it's all good...

So please let me know what if any you want because I really just want to make sure you guys have one if you want.

Thanks enjoy your night... I am putting stickers on your Hawkfest packets right now and watching a girl movie since Tony is taking the kids to get a dirt bike :)
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