I personally would never blame an entire group of people for one persons actions, but thats just me.
He could have easily sprayed mud/rocks/slush/snow with a sled of any brand, it does not reflect on other people who ride the same brand IMO thats just niave.
Now if it was a Chevy/Jeep guy I would probably say "figures he drives a Chevy" but not go on hating all Chevy owners for his actions...I would just say it jokingly because I am a Ford addict.
One douche or noobie is ALLOWED to make mistakes......you cant go on beating up everyone who throws dirt at ya on accident, what is this high school? Dont always assume dirt being slung is being done on purpose, there are alot of idiot sheeple out there who are clueless that they just run that red light, or went off trail, etc... let karma get em dont try to police the world.
If mycar got hit with mud I would check for paint damage, if none shrug it off. If there was a scratch or dent I would confront the evil doer and expect them to make it right. If no damage I would laugh and move on
Lighten up people, who cares what brand you ride as long as you ride