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Have to vent!!

Well it is official, all the boys in suits came in with there phony smiles and told us that our company had been bought out. Just a little background, I am in the title industry in Utah. I am a title officer, long story short, I search public records for real estate transactions and prepare the reports for the lenders and real estate agents. When asking about what I do, my response was " we will see how everything works once we get the company software up and running, we will then look at if it is profitable or not." Well the company "First American Title" has all there title work being done in Phoenix and the easier stuff in India. To be honest I dont think I will be employed around Christmas.

You have to love how corporate America outsources it jobs overseas for a cheaper rate. Just one more thing to hurt the pathetic economy that we already have. So now I have to go home, tell my wife, and cross my fingers I can find a job that pays enough to keep our home.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Dec 29, 2001
Yeah, right. I'd be real confortable as a buyer,having the title and abstract searched by Akbar in India. :eek:
Sorry to hear about your situation.
I'm retired, but my investments have lost 10's of thousands lately too. Yippie.:mad:
Apr 11, 2008
North Bend , WA
It is a cruel corporate world out there!!
Good luck to you!!!
Well it is official, all the boys in suits came in with there phony smiles and told us that our company had been bought out. Just a little background, I am in the title industry in Utah. I am a title officer, long story short, I search public records for real estate transactions and prepare the reports for the lenders and real estate agents. When asking about what I do, my response was " we will see how everything works once we get the company software up and running, we will then look at if it is profitable or not." Well the company "First American Title" has all there title work being done in Phoenix and the easier stuff in India. To be honest I dont think I will be employed around Christmas.

You have to love how corporate America outsources it jobs overseas for a cheaper rate. Just one more thing to hurt the pathetic economy that we already have. So now I have to go home, tell my wife, and cross my fingers I can find a job that pays enough to keep our home.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Feb 1, 2006
Castle Rock, CO
Well it is official, all the boys in suits came in with there phony smiles and told us that our company had been bought out. Just a little background, I am in the title industry in Utah. I am a title officer, long story short, I search public records for real estate transactions and prepare the reports for the lenders and real estate agents. When asking about what I do, my response was " we will see how everything works once we get the company software up and running, we will then look at if it is profitable or not." Well the company "First American Title" has all there title work being done in Phoenix and the easier stuff in India. To be honest I dont think I will be employed around Christmas.

You have to love how corporate America outsources it jobs overseas for a cheaper rate. Just one more thing to hurt the pathetic economy that we already have. So now I have to go home, tell my wife, and cross my fingers I can find a job that pays enough to keep our home.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Sorry to hear about that ...

But, for what it's worth, if you need a good paying job in a pinch, there are some oilfield service companies that are hiring here in Vernal right now on a "flex hand" basis ... meaning they work you a 2 week on 2 week off schedule. It might be worth checking out if you are in a bind until you can find something more permanent ...
Nov 29, 2007
I know several guys who own and operate business including the owners of First American Title. They all see the writing on the wall with Obama. They are preparing to protect themselves. This will cost a lot of people jobs just like McCain has been saying it will.

I had to meet with my accountant Tuesday. His company also does payroll for many businesses. He said he had been working overtime preparing pink slip for layoffs. Most businesses are holding off on handing out the notices until after election day, but if Obama wins the slips will go out the next day.

You tell business owner that make over 250K you are going to increase taxes and the middle class will pay the price.

I wish we had to disclose who we vote for so pay cuts and layoffs could come out of Obama supporters pay checks.
Apr 3, 2008
Billings Mt.
You say your job went overseas, That is what they are beating McCain for. Your message needs to be heard. If I here you correctly Down with Obama. Get out and scream. Call , Talk, Oreilly, Hannity, Don't know who else will listen , but scream.


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Jul 9, 2001
I hope things work out for you!!! And the thousands of others in your same situation and the thousands to come. I fear for my own future as well (along with my kids').

Let's see.... Let's go ahead and tell Corporate America we are going to raise your taxes ("spread the wealth"), like it's not expensive enough already to do business, what the H do you think is going to happen???? You start taxing companies more, for being successfull, they will find another country to set up shop in.

Need a job.... Head down to your local Social Services office, they should be adding on another wing and a couple hundred offices real shortly!!!!:mad:
Jul 7, 2002
Central iowa
I hope things work out for you!!! And the thousands of others in your same situation and the thousands to come. I fear for my own future as well (along with my kids').

Let's see.... Let's go ahead and tell Corporate America we are going to raise your taxes ("spread the wealth"), like it's not expensive enough already to do business, what the H do you think is going to happen???? You start taxing companies more, for being successfull, they will find another country to set up shop in.

Need a job.... Head down to your local Social Services office, they should be adding on another wing and a couple hundred offices real shortly!!!!:mad:

that sums it up. not to mention we have all of these union workers that are voting democrat thinking its really going to help them out.I guess some folks have to learn the hard way.One of our largest employers here in town is packing up an moving to mexico, and the workers blame bush. They really have no one to blame but themselves being lazy. The majority of them took advantage of there "points system" and would call in twice a month cause they could.Yet when it changed on the next contract they *****ed and whined about it to the point the company paid all the workers 1,000 dollar bonus so they would get up and working again.Tables will turn if Obama gets elected.
The wife was very supportive, she actully calmed me down a bit. Looking for jobs that pay well are hard to come buy. I thank you for the advice on the oil fields, I may have to check that out, come the first of the year. I just don't get how people do not see some of the many many issues that are affecting this country and what is going on. I was just reading this article today. It kind of makes you think.



Oct 4, 2005
If you have faith in the man upstairs, things will work out just fine for you.:D
You can have faith all you want, but unless a person takes responsibility for their own life and acts on things in their best interest all they would do is sit in their chair and pray.


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Nov 27, 2007
Sorry to hear about your situation, we had the same thing happen this last spring. Luckily I still have a job but it isn't what I was doing before the buy out. I've also been looking for a different job since April 1 and can't find anything that pays the same so I'm still here.
Nov 9, 2001
Lincoln Nebraska
My wife is a 12 year veteran closer at a title company and it has been a roller coaster ride there. Her company established in 60's has in the past two years been bought out by Midwest title. I have seen them go through some retarded changes in the way they are doing things and they are finally getting to the part where they should cut the fat. Seems when times are tuff they cut the worker bees and try to maintain the fat at the top and it is a double jepordy situation.
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