I've got a short tracker xp that i'm going to put the 16 x 1.75 on and take out west to fart around on.
Is it a royal pain in the rump vs an older style tunnel/machine? i've done them on my m-cat and a rmk i had. not too tough, just time consuming.
curious if it's more of the same, or if the new chassis has some hidden challenges. hate to take it to the dealer. most dealers don't know their azz from a hole in the ground.
Is it a royal pain in the rump vs an older style tunnel/machine? i've done them on my m-cat and a rmk i had. not too tough, just time consuming.
curious if it's more of the same, or if the new chassis has some hidden challenges. hate to take it to the dealer. most dealers don't know their azz from a hole in the ground.