Many on the 4M know that Duncan struck quite a friendship with me, proly since I'm a "grandpa" , and he felt comfortable confiding in me his struggle the heavy emotional illnesses he was born with. We had about 300 PM's, plus email's. Last I heard from him, about 3 years ago he was working as a carpenter in the Spokane and Core D' Alene area.
He is a very intelligent and multi-talented person. And as Muskoka said, Duncan did talk about some of his problems openly on the 4M.He did get into illegal drugs as a way of dealing with his problems since he felt this prescribed meds, he felt, weren't helping.
Many on this forum will remember the night he was mulling taking his own life, openly in a thread. Many people posted messages talking him out of it. One 4Memember knew who his parents were, and called them, warning of his depression . He was on the 4M for quite some time after that episode.
As I said , shortly after that last time I heard from him, his e-mail account was no longer valid, and he never posted on the 4M , or answered PM's after that.
I know how to contact his family, I just have not followed through, not knowing how it might be received. I also know at least one more 4M member I PM'd recently who knew Dunc, had not heard from him in the same time frame, as I have outlined, either.
Again, anything I have said here is information Dunc posted openly in threads. I know a lot more but consider it private.
I too would like to know what happened.