This is that bogus Kennedy hate crimes leg. that I posted on awhile back where the "stats" are entirely made up and contradict FBI stats. Crimes against Jews outnumber crimes against gays but they make these ridiculous claims that just aren't happening and they give no proof. This is supposed to be a gay bill, but Kennedy's office will send you stats on how blacks are being persecuted, but they aren't stats, they're two isolated incidents and one self-reporting site where you report if you feel you've been victim of a hate crime. "Oh someone cut me off in traffic, that's a hate crime."
What pisses me off is we have so much reverse racism like the OJ jury trial, AG Holder not prosecuting the New Black Panthers for intimidating voters at the polls with billy clubs, also not investigating Barry's buddy Kevin Johnson for embezzling Americorps money, the racist crap in the Ricci firefighter case, Sotomayor's ruling, etc. Obama even made racist comments in his book that I quoted elsewhere. Who's going to protect whitey from the militant black folks? All men are created equal...period.
"Late Thursday night, the Senate voted 63-28 to end discussion
on 2009's version of the Hate Crimes bill and to make it an
amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.
Just as we've been warning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
found a way to abuse the rules and prevent an honest vote!
I am outraged by this blatant manipulation and I am not alone.
While Reid crowed about his great "victory," John McCain and
other Senators bitterly protested the underhanded way he
attached the Hate Crimes bill to vital defense funding
"While we have young Americans fighting and dying in two wars,
we're going to take up a Hate Crimes bill that has nothing
to do whatsoever with defending this nation...,"McCain complained.
Meanwhile, all seven Republican members of the Senate Judiciary
Committee went on record to say their committee never even got
a chance to review the bill - a blatant departure from
proper procedure.
The reason for all this subterfuge? Reid strong-armed the
system and by-passed a fair and open debate in order to
deliver a political prize to homosexual interest groups -
pure and simple!!"
What pisses me off is we have so much reverse racism like the OJ jury trial, AG Holder not prosecuting the New Black Panthers for intimidating voters at the polls with billy clubs, also not investigating Barry's buddy Kevin Johnson for embezzling Americorps money, the racist crap in the Ricci firefighter case, Sotomayor's ruling, etc. Obama even made racist comments in his book that I quoted elsewhere. Who's going to protect whitey from the militant black folks? All men are created equal...period.
"Late Thursday night, the Senate voted 63-28 to end discussion
on 2009's version of the Hate Crimes bill and to make it an
amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.
Just as we've been warning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
found a way to abuse the rules and prevent an honest vote!
I am outraged by this blatant manipulation and I am not alone.
While Reid crowed about his great "victory," John McCain and
other Senators bitterly protested the underhanded way he
attached the Hate Crimes bill to vital defense funding
"While we have young Americans fighting and dying in two wars,
we're going to take up a Hate Crimes bill that has nothing
to do whatsoever with defending this nation...,"McCain complained.
Meanwhile, all seven Republican members of the Senate Judiciary
Committee went on record to say their committee never even got
a chance to review the bill - a blatant departure from
proper procedure.
The reason for all this subterfuge? Reid strong-armed the
system and by-passed a fair and open debate in order to
deliver a political prize to homosexual interest groups -
pure and simple!!"
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