Never been a big fan of connectors, especially a whole pile of them together. Can I cut the connectors off and solder and heat shrink them instead? If I have to replace a a switch or something on the handlebars later, I can just cut it and redo it. Any other reasons not too?
Warranty will be voided on the motor/electrical... I'm pretty sure.
The AMP connectors used by Polaris are very high quality...
When I need to splice wires together to lengthen them... I use a conector rather than a splice...
In the old days, where blade & bullet connectors were common... I could see where splicing would be good... but with the new style connectors that are gasketed and well designed in general... I see no need.
Thanks mountainhorse, the warranty is a good reason not to mess with it. BUT, I did solder in my tether to the black connector that GMCRMK showed in the tether thread, that was a blade connector without weatherpak. Seems there's a grab bag of connector styles under that hood. Thanks for replying!!! I like you even if wyorider doesn't.