Original equipment?
Polisport was the supplier of the hand guards and AD Boivin meerly supplied the center folded plastic piece, similar material to the factory snow flap at the rear of the track. I purchased these back in 2003 for $80.00 including shipping and was disgusted.
There was a snap on low rise windshield offered in the year 2008 for trail 800 models, and hand guards were of the single clamp Power Madd brand, only metal is in the inward mount and screws.
Not well suited for a tumbling Oneski, better reserved for a Weeble Wobble!
Save your money get some Aluminum reinforced off road hand guards from your local off road orientated motorcycle store, they double as a lift handle when newbies wipe out!
Look through a catolog or online such as JC Whitney were they sell low budget street wind shields for guys who want wind protection for dual sport or factory fairingless motorcycles. This is solely for you poor suckas who have to ride snow covered roads, and stick to property boundries!
Otherwise buy a top shelf helmet.