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Hollywood D is on duty one day and he approaches a redneck sitting at a bar. He asks the redneck if he owns the dog tied to the tree outside. The redneck says, yup, thats my dog. Hollywood D informs him his dog is in heat. The redneck says that's rediculous, the dog is in the shade. You don't understand says, Hollywood D, your dogs in heat. The redneck explains, that is impossible cause under that shady tree is a bowl of water. No no explains Hollywood D. Your dog wants to have sex. The redneck looks at Hollywood D in his uniform and all and after a pause says .... go ahead, I always wanted a police dog.:D

J/K Hollywood .... only joke I could think of, and I wanted to be the first guy to post a joke/get banned.
that is so wrong...hollywood could never do that (wouldn't be able to find the whole)

oh im just kiddin hollywood dont get yer panties in a bunch
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