I don't get it.
I used to think that the brokeback linedancing was lame. I was probably right.
Karoke, yea there's a good idea....take away the professional's voice & let the bar
skank wail away while we enjoy our cocktails. NOT! Super lame!
Now a local bar is advertising "Guitar Hero" night
Now that's as gay as a football bat!
Like I said, I just don't get it.
I used to think that the brokeback linedancing was lame. I was probably right.
Karoke, yea there's a good idea....take away the professional's voice & let the bar
skank wail away while we enjoy our cocktails. NOT! Super lame!
Now a local bar is advertising "Guitar Hero" night
Now that's as gay as a football bat!
Like I said, I just don't get it.