The truck is a 2006 Chevy crewcab Silverado Duramax. It has a 5-6" Superlift with all the extras including the Bilsteins and extended front driveshaft. It runs great and is supersmooth in 2HI but when I shift into 4HI at speed or am around 30mph or above there is a growling (maybe whining noise) coming from the front, worse some say when turning. The sound has been conformed by my buddies in the truck and it does go away when shifting back to 2HI.
The store that installed the lift says its fine, no metal to metal wear from the driveshaft or that. I rarely use 4WD , only usually when towing my three place , any ideas?
The store that installed the lift says its fine, no metal to metal wear from the driveshaft or that. I rarely use 4WD , only usually when towing my three place , any ideas?