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great help from the guys on salmon la sac in Ronald


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 26, 2013
nw oregon
Shout out to some good guys. Unfortunately I only got tony's name. I'm bad with names. (((Found out today it was Tim @ the last resort... Thanks)))
Having a guys day with my son. took him up for his first ride. I was U turning with a trailer on salmon la sac today. got to much in the ditch one wheel in the air... stuck. a couple guys came by offered ride into town... Tony the fireman took me to the shop across the street from the notorious cascade playtime I don't know the name of their shop. I think it's a father / son owned shop. Anyhow.. I say to the guy behind the counter I'm stuck is there anyone who can help. he makes one call says" they're dropping off a trailer and will be right here." Cool. He shows up drives me back to my rig, shovels some snow out from under the trailer, shovels snow from in front of the tires. throws me a chain and i'm on my way. I reach for my wallet he says don't worry about it come into the shop sometime. I insisted as it saved my hide and got my boy to the snow but he took it reluctantly.

P.S. I bought a better shovel while I was waiting at their shop. He takes a couple bucks off the price after I already laid the money on the counter and said he was going to put it on sale soon anyway. so, go check them out. They said they are having an inventory sale next week but will make good deals now if anyone asks. It's good to make mention of good people.
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Feb 8, 2005
Yakima, Wa
That's cool.
What's more cool is to hear there was enough snow to get something stuck in snow, at a snow park! Around here the snow parks don't have squat for snow. Might get stuck in some mud if you tried!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 26, 2013
nw oregon
That's cool.
What's more cool is to hear there was enough snow to get something stuck in snow, at a snow park! Around here the snow parks don't have squat for snow. Might get stuck in some mud if you tried!
One wheel made it down to mud and another was in the air.
BTW Found out today it was Tim @ the last resort... Thanks
Mar 13, 2004
Lake Cle Elum, WA
Tim is the best. He reads this forum a lot, posts sometimes.

Regarding their sale, from today's Last Resort FB Page:

It is that time of year where we would like our showroom cleared out so we are having a sale on gear ....; EVERYTHING IS 20% TO 60% OFF!!!! Come talk to Tim or Don and make a deal on snowmobile gear!!!!!!!!
Jun 23, 2004
Black Diamond, WA
Last Resort is awesome! Have been there a few times. Always good friendly service, decent prices and all around good people.
This yr we went up for a couple nights at New Years, not much notice, late reservations. Had to switch rooms after the first night (told us in advance) cause they only had one room each night.
Not only did they charge us the lesser (1 bed) rate for both nights even though we had 2 beds the first night, the housekeeper insisted that she'd move all our gear, etc to the new room so we didn't have to wait around in the morning.
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