Used to be when copper was alot cheaper get some 3/4" or 7/8" line set (just a copper tubing spiroll for freon lines in home AC systems) fill with coolant of choice Put that in the ice chest, then take some heater hose on each end with a male and female quick coupler for the hookup. Just splice the coolant hose on your sled (we used to do it coming OUT of the motor) and put in the quick couplers and hook up.
reason for out of the motor is you dont want super cold coolant to hit the HOT motor right off the bat, let it go through the coolers on the sled and get somewhat up to temp, then your sled will also have more area for the heat to displace on the cold coolers durring your run.
You dont need a pump, just let the sleds water pump do the work. Usually the BIG mods do the 12v pump so their big ported high HP motors dont sit and idle for to long and load up. They can pump it while the motor is shut off.