For which ammunition and dimentions? 20mm, 5.56, 7.62, 40mm, .50 cal? I recently bought a bunch of tall 20mm (might have been .50) cans for about that price. I could have bought them for $6-9 each online but shipping would have eaten me alive. Plus you take what you get vs being able to pick and choose to make sure you get good seals and no interior rust. The local surplus store where I bought them hadn't been buying very many cans lately cause of shipping rates. I looked into buying 2 palets out of NM and been about $5 a can until I got a quote from the shipping company authorized to go on base and pick it up for you. Would have been about $27 a can and I could buy them online from surpluse dealers shipped for less. I think I bought my 5.56 cans for either $5 or $9. I've got a short .50 can that I bought for the same. those are my mobile cans and I use the big 20mm cans for ammo and equipment storage. I don't like the 40mm ammo can because they are a bit smaller and shorter than the 20mm can. What are you looking to do with yours.