Deftones - hexagram. hella powerful song, good lyrics... not exactly sure of the meaning, of it, the only meanings i can find of the song r 2 that make sense. either way you look at it... one, its about a biblical war in the middle east, where death is the standard, or two, a deep look at a musicians life.
music = life.. i listen to anything from emmure to regina spektor.
dubstep is filthy btw... girls love it at the clubs, and girls love the subwoofers when they sit on them durring a dubstep song. toodles...
just sharin some music that people might like....
music = life.. i listen to anything from emmure to regina spektor.
dubstep is filthy btw... girls love it at the clubs, and girls love the subwoofers when they sit on them durring a dubstep song. toodles...
just sharin some music that people might like....