No idea what software..what would you recommend that I get for it? This is all greek to me.
When you get the 530 the maps will be blank ... the screen will be blank.
So as a novice you should determine what you are trying to do.
1 type of map
If you are going to only use it off road ... then get a "topo" map. These are maps of just terrain.
If you arte gonna use it on just roads then get a road map.
Now of course the best map to get is one that has both topo and roads since the 530 will give you a choice to go to point b by road or off road.
2 resolution of map
1/24000 is the best resolution you can buy ... actually most map companies get the raw map data from the USGS and put it in a proprietory "software" and resell it.
The best known USGS maps are those of the 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale quadrangle series. A scale of 1:25,000 is used for maps based on metric units (1 centimeter = 0.25 kilometer). The area portrayed on each sheet ranges from 64 square miles at latitude 30 degrees north to 49 square miles at latitude 49 degrees north.
A scale of 1:24,000 allows considerable detail to be shown in the quadrangle areas. It takes about 57,000 maps to cover the conterminous 48 States, Hawaii, and territories. All of these maps are now for sale to the public. (For Alaska, 7.5-minute maps at 1:24,000 and 1:25,000 scale are available for areas around Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Prudhoe Bay.)
The sheet size is about 22 x 27 inches north of latitude 31 degrees and 23 x 27 inches south of that latitude.
Most new people buy it from who ever map the unit, GARMIN.