When gas and diesel reaches 6.00 a gallon or so maybe the people will force congress to let us drill in our own country. I mean Anwar, the gulf of Mexico and off shore, east and west. Private enterprise built this country not the government. We ought to know by now, government doesn't do any thing very well.
I'm all for expanding oil drilling in our own country, heck even in ANWAR if it actually drops our prices..... And the govt and the oil companies can guarantee it.
It is not a right vs. left thing either... I'm a sledder and boater and hydrocarbon user extraordinaire.
The private enterprise of the Oil Companies is what is putting it directly in your rear.
If ANWAR and offshore oil in our own country is expanded we WILL NOT see lower prices at the pump....
Fist off the infrastructure of drilling and transport/distribution will take years to do. So the direct effect in the near future will not be felt at our gas pump... the oil companies will use the cost of development and drilling to justify keeping the cost of this domestic oil as high as the oil we currently get.
Second, this same oil will enter the global market and THE OIL FROM ANWAR WILL COST THE SAME AS OPEC OIL. The major oil companies, that have been making a record KILLING with the price of gas for them, are the ones cashing in on this as are the pork barrel politicians (both Demo and Republican).
PROOF in the punch... if the per barrel price of oil has been going up... why then also have the profits been going up for the oil companies. For example, if you sold apple pies, and it cost you $1 in materials to make the pies and you sold them at supermarkets across the country for $3... If the cost of your ingredients went up 50 cents and you used that excuse to sell your pies now for $5 you are now making out like a bandit. But since people don’t have to have the pies, you would not make more profits; people would stop buying pies..
Well, our country is addicted to gas and other fuels for our trucks, cars, snowmobiles, heating, transportation etc.... It is not an option to turn our heat or hot water off, use our farm tractors less, service our cattle or drive less miles in our commute (when our public transportation is one of the worst in the world). That we don’t even have fuel efficient car choices at the dealerships (that is compared to the remainder of the free world). Heck, it is part of our culture from "flower sniffin hippies" to truck drivin cowboys to use gas and oil products...we are hooked...
If you want cheap potatoes grow more potatos and flood the market with potatos. If you want cheap apples do the same thing grow more apples and flood the market with apples. Americans aren't held hostage to high oil prices because of a greed or lust for oil, they're held hostage because they don't do their homework on supply side economics. Instead they accept with blind faith that oil is is evil and further exploration for it is wrong and destructive. All the while they offer NO acceptable alternatives
Well if we combine the future potential of proposed offshore and ANWAR oil and "flood the market" with our oil... it will be more like a trickle than a flood...unless you are talking about a flood of money for the oil companies, the pork-belly, and the lobbyiests. Putting our domestic oil into the global market, which is what will happen because of the free trade laws in effect that that the corporate structure uses every loophole and tax credit for.
Corporations ARE NOT evil...I mean that sincerly.... they are profit driven... those practices may not be compatible with our way of life in the the future.
The only solution, if you want your gas prices to remain lower, is for the government to regulate the amount of profit that the oil companies can make.
I know this sounds like it goes against the American way, but if our price of gas is not directly tied to national security and economic preservation of our culture, then I don't know what is.
We send our children/husbands/wives off to foreign wars to protect that supply of oil... if that does not DEFINE this as an issue of "National Interest" then I don't know what does...
Ronald Regan stepped in an ended the air traffic controllers strike using emergency powers. The same thing should happen with the price of gas at the pumps... and not by lowering the taxes on it like some of the nut-bag canidates have been proposing.
It's not the Arabs or our lack of drilling in ANWAR that are making our prices of gas high; it's corporate and political greed. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE RULES!!
Our oil companies are so far up the Arabs behinds that you don't know where one starts and the other ends. Our own companies are direct participants in the whole OPEC concern.
This will never happen as the lobbyist for the special interest groups of the oil companies have too much of a strong hold on the feds, the states and the S.E.C. to ever allow that to happen.
Get used to the price of Oil being high because Wall Street, the Chicago exchange, the oil companies, our politicians and their lobbyists control the price of all our precious fuel and make huge profits from it all! :mad
Here's a well put comment from a fellow snowester and North Shore Worker:
Here's something that will make you sick. I work in Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska. Slope wide yesterday production was just shy of 750,000 barrels of oil
750,000 X $117.00 per barrel = 8,775,000 yesterday!
A brand new bundle of $100 dollar bills (a bundle is a million dollars) is 40" tall
if you stacked yesterdays profits in $100 dollar bills the stack would be 292.5'
That is 7 1/2 feet shy of a football field of $100 dollar bills.
Ask the people in Europe how much their fuel has gone up in the last 5 years...zero~1%
The price of retrieving oil hasn't gone up at all it's about $3.00 per barrel to get it into the pipe line and then at the other end of the line it comes out at $117 per barrel. The Govt. has us by the big hairy ones and they're bending us over their $117 barrel. What do we do? How does a family of three or four with both parents working for a combined total of less than $20 per hr. even afford to get to work let alone pay for life? I feel very fortunate that I have the ability to be able to go out and enjoy the parts of our country that haven't been closed down to protect the caribou, wolves, lynx, split tailed beavers and yeti's. OK, I'm done....for now.