Frickin idiots.
I run a side line guiding biz and a couple years back took a Japanese couple on a snowmobile tour about 6-8 miles out of town, groomed trail over a couple hills and onto a lake. We stop on the lake to enjoy the sights and peace. The chick starts wiggin out on her fella,I ask him what is up and he says she is freaked out by the silence and wants to go back.
When you are out of your element you make dumb decisions. Happens all the time here in Yukon as well. Loads of Europeon tourists arrive with the idea of the last frontier. They read a book or magazine article and feel they are set. A couple of days later canoe is found down stream and the search is on.
Best one of all time was a buddy of mine fly's 4 germans into lake, drops them for a 7 day trip. My buddy starts to taxi out and is just about to take off and he turns around to see the four of them running around swatting, rubing their faces and bodies and then 2 of them jumping in the lake while the other 2 continue to run cirlces. He shuts it down and thinks wtf. He finally reaches them and they settle enough to figure out they used their bear spray like bug spray. These idiots sprayed themselves with the bear spary thinking it would deter bears from coming near them. TRUE FRICKIN STORY.
Should be a test before arriving. The North Yukon/Alaska are great places if you learn to respect it.