I have had fuel controllers on 2 sleds now and am learning to hate them. I cannot get the bottom lean enough with the Attitude box (already done the BD box and hated it worse) without dropping to 36psi on the fuel regulator. If I have to drop this low, why have one? I have full SLP exhaust and Timbersleds and plan on just tuning with fuel pressure. We run 5500-7500K and I have been fouling plugs down low and in the middle with box at stock settings. Been backing off fuel pressure and it seems silly to be at 36psi. Why not yank the box and run like 45-48psi. instead? I run only clear 92 octane fuel and with the altitude I can't see having a problem. I am going to go out tomorrow and test with the EGT's and pulling plugs to find the proper psi. Is anyone else running SLP and Timbersleds with no box? If so, what elevation and fuel pressure you settle at? Thanks!