I picked up my new sled yesterday and man she sure is sharp. I watched a few videos on the catalyst but iam not a 100% gear head and know exactly what’s going on. I figured i needed to learn the basics first before going out and was trying to find a change the drive belt video. Then I heard you can change the gear ratio by changing the position of the pulleys? Any one know in the know and can explain to a dummy how that works and when and where it’s beneficial? Unfortunately we’re having a bad start to the season with hardly any snow (of course) so I’ll have some time to mess around with the sled before we go ride lol. Sled is really sharp and I was surprised that there’s a new gauge too ? I’ll try and set her up for my weight today with the shocks and go through it trying to learn . Need to mount my ski rack and Munster and off we go . Hopefully it’ll be a better machine for me and I’ll magically be a great mountain rider lol. Just curious about the gear ratio and pulley thing thanks