I just tried the first 30 miles for a break in on two IQ 600's. I was pleasantly surprised at the smooth engagement. After about 10mi I tried WOT and got good RPMs from the top end. Something that I thought was a little strange when I put these things on, the physical measurement was ever so slightly wider than the 1115 belt, although the paper specs indicate that it is slightly narrower. No more banging on engagement, seems the tolerances are a little better. Time will tell if these things will hold up. They are a kevlar construction like the polaris belt but not a double cog. I believe they are supposed to work on the 800's as well. $50 at royalsupply.com..
I'm not a big fan of the 1115 because it was cutting my drive clutches on my N.A. 600's so I put them for use on my turbo where I might need its undisputed strength, but it will be interesting to see how these Gates belts hold up.
I'm not a big fan of the 1115 because it was cutting my drive clutches on my N.A. 600's so I put them for use on my turbo where I might need its undisputed strength, but it will be interesting to see how these Gates belts hold up.