Hasn't been out for real long; not a lot of reviews on it.
I picked up a 60csx a while ago and I've been real happy with it. If I had to do it again I'd probably get the 76csx, same guts but different configuration, and it's waterproof/floats. 60's waterproof, but doesn't float. Other benefit is the antenna on the 60s protrudes from the device, there's been reports of it breaking off after getting snagged in teh brake line on dirtmobiles. The other advantage to the 76 is the RAM-mount holds the device much more securely.
Really can't go wrong with a Garmin, but remember to budget in $$ for maps too. The internal basemap is next to useless. I recommend CityNavigator; more up-to-date and has useful data. The topo maps really clutter the screen.