R Rrrrrrandyw New member Jan 24, 2011 #1 Nope, it's not my car, but I have found myself wanting to go sledding bad enough to consider this approach. Pretty funny.
Nope, it's not my car, but I have found myself wanting to go sledding bad enough to consider this approach. Pretty funny.
R Ritfire73 Well-known member Jan 25, 2011 #5 Jizzo said: Hmmm, looks fake to me... Click to expand... Id have to agree. The second those carbides hit the rear glass... there would be no more glass
Jizzo said: Hmmm, looks fake to me... Click to expand... Id have to agree. The second those carbides hit the rear glass... there would be no more glass
94fordguy Well-known member Lifetime Membership Premium Member Jan 25, 2011 #6 Seen that one b4... always a gooder... I think the one on top of the suburban would be a little more practical though
Seen that one b4... always a gooder... I think the one on top of the suburban would be a little more practical though
R Rrrrrrandyw New member Jan 25, 2011 #7 I have not seen that one with the suburban, I was thinking they had to have lifted it on there by hand. Still funny though.
I have not seen that one with the suburban, I was thinking they had to have lifted it on there by hand. Still funny though.
newmy1 Well-known member Lifetime Membership Jan 25, 2011 #8 It's a video but we may as well throw this gooder on the pile! CAUTION: Adult Language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y996njQGekg Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2011
It's a video but we may as well throw this gooder on the pile! CAUTION: Adult Language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y996njQGekg