Does anyone have any good info on the various fuel control boxes out there. The turbos were going through them like crazy this year, but does anyone have any info, good or bad on Power Addictions Ultimate combo or the SLP stage 3 and 4 kits. Are the stage kits worth the money compared to upping the anty and going turbo. I ran a PA head this year and had "0" problems, pull n go all year...but I want more for 13' but do not want a turbo, and leery of a kit that has to run a fuel controller. I know of not one this year on 11' and 12's that ran for more than half a day without problems. Most came back to the fuel controller and I know of one sled that went through 5 of them. I'm looking into a stage kit or Brad's, but how did they run, any info would be great, Thanks guys.