I tried the search function but after 21 pages i couldn't find a thing for the m1000. Only for the 800. I did use the settings from OVS. They said it would run rich and then bring it down from there. No matter what I tried i couldn't get rid of a bog. If I was at 1/4 or 1/2 throttle it would bog when i would try to open it wide open. If i feathered the throttle it would work fine. My setting are at:
Green 4
Yellow 2
Red 2
Blue/Green 5
Red/Blue 4
Fuel pressure is at 38
A/F was at:
14 at idle
12 to 13 at half throttle
11.8 to 13 at wot
Dont have much experience with the pure logic box, only the boondocker one. Seems simple enough but i just couldn't get rid of that bog and my A/F #'s where i would like them at wot. Besides that little bog the sled ran awesome.Thanks for the help. Oh this is for the aerocharger setup and i was running straight AV fuel.
Green 4
Yellow 2
Red 2
Blue/Green 5
Red/Blue 4
Fuel pressure is at 38
A/F was at:
14 at idle
12 to 13 at half throttle
11.8 to 13 at wot
Dont have much experience with the pure logic box, only the boondocker one. Seems simple enough but i just couldn't get rid of that bog and my A/F #'s where i would like them at wot. Besides that little bog the sled ran awesome.Thanks for the help. Oh this is for the aerocharger setup and i was running straight AV fuel.
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