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Friendship - Thank You REVPILOT


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Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
I'm reading about careless, thoughtless people on the General Forum, and some well made points have been posted. I thought I'd just publicly thank the guys who helped me recover my vehicle and equipment though.

I was riding with some snow ranger friends up in Montana on Saturday, and although there weren't Bluebird conditions, we had a blast and enjoyed the heck out of a great day of powder scavenging along the Big Sky Trail. In the eleventh hour, I managed to snap my ankle off inside my footwell during an unplanned ejection on a small climb, and it left me without a way to drive my manual 5-speed Dodge home at the end of the self-rescue. My thanks also go out to friends Dale and Adam, snow rangers for the USFS Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center for their selfless assistance and for getting me to West Jellystone to advance my return home. And for their fellowship and cameraderie and good times all day once again! Great ride........ And I had to abandon my rig in West and make the rest up from there. My wife drove up from Victor, ID and got me to the hospital. Thanks Dorothy........:)

A panicky call at the end of the day (by me) in between spotty cell coverage yielded the typical results people get from my friend, Travis (REVPILOT) - "What do you need and how can I give it to you?"

He had my truck, trailer, sleds and gear parked in my driveway before breakfast time this morning, showed up with two more friends (thank you Andy and Travis) with smiles on their faces and parked my Dodge after going all the way to West Yellowstone and getting it, and driving it here for me. I don't know what I would have done without the help - but he made it a non-issue.

This is the same clown that actually got me into the sport of sledding, one more thing I remain grateful for, as it is one of the most satisfying pastimes I've ever had the privilege to enjoy. REVPILOT is one of the reasons I've always enjoyed it.

Thank You REVPILOT. Every sledder should have and be the kind of friend you are - and I'm not the only one who's been helped out by you. Others have been repaired or towed out of sticky situations by you, and your Brother (OUTLAW) - people who never even gave you their names.

Enough syrupy mushy stuff - I'll repay you someday by teaching you to ride..... hahaha

Team Ruptured Buzzard
(Currently a little ruptured, but not out of the game.)
Nov 28, 2007
Layton Utah
Revpilot and Outlaw helped us out of the mountains last year when we had a chain break on a turboed Apex.

It was quite a feat, we had to make some climbs that I did not know if we could make but by God's grace we did and in the process met some great guys.

We took them out to dinner that night and now we have some riding buddies up there too.

Thanks again guys.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
I would not expect any less from good freinds and from those who enjoy this sport. That is part of what makes this sport what it is, good people like your bud's. I've been on both sides of that fence. Most of us have. You will pay them back one day for sure.:)


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Yeah, it hurt(s)....... but I'm okay

Good story, and great folks............Got Ice?

Get better soon man, did it hurt? EW


Looks like only a possible fracture of the talus bone, but a pretty good handful of sheered off ligaments. I'll know more after the ortho man gets ahold of me proper on Wednesday. I was shocked at the x-rays and initial diagnosis of "no visible fracture(s) - a sprain with a possible fx here, but no surgery required for that to heal if it is fractured." Sweeeet! It is hard for me to believe after the "SNAP!" I felt when I got off. Anyway, if it was easy, then all the wieners would wanna do it, right?

Pain is better and managed well right now with ibu and codeine. 8-mile ride out on clapped out trail was interesting, and seemed to take forever, but it could have been much worse and I certainly have nothing to complain about. Besides, it was a damned fine day of riding.

Thanks for asking! Sled safe, enjoy the rides, and your friends. Save a little extra to help out the other guy, if you have to. :D



Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
How thoughtless - I forgot to thank MRS REVPILOT!

.......how can I forget to thank the lady that got REVPILOT shuttled to my vehicle, not at anybody's convenience either.....

Thanks Jeanette!

Nov 26, 2007
East Chester Idaho
Gee, thanks for the gracious post, but I must confess: I did it for the brownies. For those that don't know the Stovebolts, going over for a cup of coffee is like being Betty Crockers food taster and having Larry the Cable Guy as your Barista. Truthfully, after nearly foundering myself on brownie cake with a chili bowl size cup of fresh ground french roast in hand and simultaneously listening to Larry the Stovebolts' latest crutch waving rant, I forgot to ask to see his boo-boo. I'm pretty sure it's his left leg though. Best wishes for a speedy recovery buddy, I'll keep your sled excercised for you!:D


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 5, 2007

your story kicks azz

except for the gettin hurt part

speedy recovery to you and may you allways be blessed with true friends

800 RMK

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Victor Idaho
Hey Stovebolt,
Sorry to hear about your ankle.At least we got 1 ride in together. Get well soon, and if ya need anything let me know also_Our Wed. ride was ok, couldn't see much. But i guess it was better than a day at work eh....... :beer; :beer; L8TR


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
I didn't even yarn none yet - what "story?"

your story kicks azz

except for the gettin hurt part

speedy recovery to you and may you allways be blessed with true friends

Like REVPILOT has indicated, I can spin a yarn, whether I'm under the influence of Tylenol #3 and waving crutches or not........ In other words, I can be a BIG MOUTH. (I'm a native New Yorker, by the way.......) That ought to close the door on a few forum members........ no more reading any posts from Stovey...

My crash:

"It was a dark and stormy night, and wolves were seen along the ridgetop, buzzards were circling the corpses of my riding partners, who had lost a 2-hour long running gun battle with a grizzly bear and the Taliban..... I had just changed into my cape and red boots, when all of a sudden......"

Oooops, maybe I just dreamed that. Never mind, here's what REALLY happened, then....

While following Dale up a decidedly attractive looking terrain feature, I simply fell off my sled! Crap - not very exciting. Anyways, the light was pretty flat and I misjudged a bit with my depth perception, so when I throttled my M8 into the base of the pow-covered hill, I just arc'd into the compression and lost my balance. Simple and bush-league. But I had some energy dumped into the maneuver, and I came off fast and my ankle just literally "snapped" like a sound effect from a Steven Segal movie. (I think they break celery stalks in half when he lays an Aikido move on some evil drug lord or something.) I looked up through a diminishing cloud of snow dust, surrounding my O'Neal-helmet-clad cranium, and saw my sled heading back down in my general direction going backwards. My college-trained mind immediately commanded my middle-aged body to react in order to cease the sled's rapidly-gaining momentum and continue off the hill down into the tree wells of the Great Beyond in the remote Montana hinterlands, and what I got out of that cranial wonderjob was to.........

....hurl my body underneath the track and let the sled run me over. It was steep enough that if I didn't do something right away quick, I would have additional problems to deal with that I just didn't want to face - I knew I lost a leg right away - it snapped before I even hit the ground, so I figured I better get the sled stopped. The "human body chock" worked, and I got a hand up to grab brake and finish off the debacle. After that, I extricated my upper half from underneath the track and it was just a crawl back over the running boards and into the cockpit. I squeezed the flipper and got up the rest of the hill. The ranger behind me witnessed the buffoonery, and gave me a ?thumbs-up? to which I gestured a "no-not really" with a hand wave. So, he and my other ranger buddy baby-sat my slow exit all the way out from there, and we lived happily ever after.

The End.

There - that was more of a "kick-azz story", and again I remind you - "How much did you pay for that story?"

(Well, you probably got your money's worth then....)

hahaha Thanks for all the well wishes from you guys, that's a nice thing!

And yes, I am a lucky man to have the friends that I do. (Some GOOD luck, and some BAD......) :D

(I'm funny - but mostly to myself.....)



Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Thanks Mark

Glad you guys went out and dropped the hammer, wish I could have gone. Don't count me out for the season yet - I'll see how it goes with the doctor and the recovery. thanks for the well wishes and the kindness. I'll stop by and say hi as soon as I can drive my Dodge again.


Hey Stovebolt,
Sorry to hear about your ankle.At least we got 1 ride in together. Get well soon, and if ya need anything let me know also_Our Wed. ride was ok, couldn't see much. But i guess it was better than a day at work eh....... :beer; :beer; L8TR


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
i'm sure the enormous rift in the earths crust that you were almost able to recover from in a valiant attempt that no mere mortal would ever attempt again, was quite a bit more than you make it out to be;) always hate to hear a fellow buzzard down especially you!!! did they give you a riding cast:)


Westbound and down
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Great story, get well soon. I guess I won't be riding with you at the end of the month. Revpilot will have to make up for the lack of jackassery ;)

Good luck with the healing process and don't worry about the story. **** happens!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2005
Spokane, WA

Looks like only a possible fracture of the talus bone, but a pretty good handful of sheered off ligaments. I'll know more after the ortho man gets ahold of me proper on Wednesday. I was shocked at the x-rays and initial diagnosis of "no visible fracture(s) - a sprain with a possible fx here, but no surgery required for that to heal if it is fractured." Sweeeet! It is hard for me to believe after the "SNAP!" I felt when I got off. Anyway, if it was easy, then all the wieners would wanna do it, right?

Pain is better and managed well right now with ibu and codeine. 8-mile ride out on clapped out trail was interesting, and seemed to take forever, but it could have been much worse and I certainly have nothing to complain about. Besides, it was a damned fine day of riding.

Thanks for asking! Sled safe, enjoy the rides, and your friends. Save a little extra to help out the other guy, if you have to. :D


Had a similar injury a week ago in REVY. Left ankle. Good friends to the rescue as well. Some on here and some riders not on here and a friend who doesnt ride all helped my wife shovel snow for 8 hours when we got home off of our roofs and walks etc. at our little homestead. Good friends are hard to come by, but seem easier to find/make in the sleddin community!
Thank God for em'! Gotta run and ice my ankle. Hope you heal well.


Active member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
TRB down one, Ron you take over....


.....no riding cast yet........... they've got me in an aircast until sawbones starts barking at me the day after tomorrow. I am relieved from duty until further notice.... I'm handing the torch off to you. Carry the flag to the top of the hill, and take no prisoners.

Stovey <out>

i'm sure the enormous rift in the earths crust that you were almost able to recover from in a valiant attempt that no mere mortal would ever attempt again, was quite a bit more than you make it out to be;) always hate to hear a fellow buzzard down especially you!!! did they give you a riding cast:)
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