RV antifreeze is propylene glycol, and is used to winterize RV and camping vehicle water systems, first draining down all the fresh water as possible, and then RV antifreeze ia pumped through the waterlines to flush out water.
Also its used to winterize a building in winter, such as an unheated cabin. Put in sink traps, toilet traps, etc.
It is considered "non-toxic" thats why its used in this application, but I don't know what drinking a quantity of it would do.
Maybe call a poison control center in your state and ask.
To use the system with water again, usually what people do is fill the freshwater tank in the RV with water, and about 1-cup of chlorine bleach mixed in. and flush out the RV antifreeze.
I have a motorhome and a unheated guest cabin, so I have been through this process many times.
Automotive antifreeze is Ethylene Glycol, and is poisonous to humans and animals.
Hope this helps some.