Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that there will be an avalanche awareness class on November 19th at 7pm held at the IDPR office in Coeur d’Alene. This will be a classroom session only, with the field session held in January. This class will provide a great chance for you to gather information on how to spot and avoid avalanche conditions, and use all avalanche safety equipment. If you have been through the class before, this session will serve as a great refresher before you dig your snowmobile out of storage. These classes are totally free to everyone who has a valid ID snowmobile registration. If you are interested in attending please call me at 769-1511.
Marc Hildesheim
North Region Trails Specialist
Idaho Parks and Recreation
Office: 208-769-1511
Cell: 208-659-4771
I just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that there will be an avalanche awareness class on November 19th at 7pm held at the IDPR office in Coeur d’Alene. This will be a classroom session only, with the field session held in January. This class will provide a great chance for you to gather information on how to spot and avoid avalanche conditions, and use all avalanche safety equipment. If you have been through the class before, this session will serve as a great refresher before you dig your snowmobile out of storage. These classes are totally free to everyone who has a valid ID snowmobile registration. If you are interested in attending please call me at 769-1511.
Marc Hildesheim
North Region Trails Specialist
Idaho Parks and Recreation
Office: 208-769-1511
Cell: 208-659-4771