Dweeb fromMammoth says it will be a "good" dusting in California !
There is a small narrow tropical/subtropical upper ridge that extends from the Mexican Main Land between the TS and the southern tip of Cabo, west to about 136W. Over the next 24 hours, as the current short wave swings through California, a short wave upper ridge follows and effectively pulls the subtropical upper ridge apart. Once split, a Coll forms (upper low) and becomes the dominant steering mechanism beginning Monday night as it changes Hillery’s current course from East to west to one of a more northerly one. The short wave leaving the Asian east coast tonight will be the one that may pick up the remains of Hillary Friday night drawing it northward over parts of California that weekend. The combination of the two systems and considering the cold air on the trof might bring the first good dusting to the high country, next Saturday and Sunday ... 1 - 2 October 2011