no matter what you do for shocks you get them set up for one thing or the other. carving or jumping. you can have them set up for the middle road as a compromise. but either way spending 1200 bucks on shocks with reservoirs is typically not the answer for mountain riding. they are oil storage tanks for riding down bumps that overheat your oil and cause fade. they do nothing for jumping or mountain riding for that matter. the air shock aspect of the shock is kinda neat though. you can adjust it for the riding you plan to do. soft for powder days or stiff for booter days. the down side is you have to figure out that appropriate pressure for you and that day and keep it memorized to cut down on tinker time. all you really needed was the regular floats. the evols look sweet but really dont do much for mountain sleds that arent hill crossers sell them to a short track flat land ramp tramp. and get the regular floats and save the rest for the money for a new set of pistons and rings so you dont have to spend too many days down when your engine says i quit for now. a handy spare top end is just that, handy. my sled is really long so i just run fox zeros for mountain play. i jump a bit and feel that if i go any bigger ill bend my sled. this summer im gonna get a shorty so i can really boot with my buddy wes.